June 1, 2018

Hello June

June is the middle marker of the year, its the time to check in and go over the list of goals and new years resolutions that we set for ourselves. Im doing my check in with myself and I will say there are things on my list that have not gotten any attention! even though I set specific dates for them, but on the flip side there are things that Ive accomplished that weren't even on my goal list for 2018 at all. So I will not beat myself up but as I move forward to the second half of the year Im going to be more intentional with my list. This month on folliclesandFashion we have an awesome interview with Celebrity Wig Maker/Stylist Robyn Michele, who stepped into the role of Wendy Williams new "Wiggy" as Wendy calls her hairstylists and we are also slated to interview Camille Friend Hair Department Head for Marvels Black Panther and sooooo much more :-) Those are our two upcoming hair spotlights and we are on hold for a very exciting fashion stylist spotlight, really good stuff coming up! Im also launching an T-shirt and accessories line so stay tuned for that! and if there is anyone you guys would like to hear about please send me an email  folliclesandfashion@gmail.com 
Happy June