Ive had a lot of stop and go moments, those moments when you are moving full steam ahead and then BAM! you come to a halt..... something has happened and now you're in your head wondering and re-evaluating, if you're on the right path? should you continue? is this really something you should be doing?. When this happens I take time to sit still and listen to GOD and then I proceed, see Ive learned to go with THE PACE OF GRACE and know that my journey my path is for me and me alone. So I encourage you to stay on the path of that dream you keep having, that vision that you see so clearly but haven't figured out how to obtain, Pray, meditate, make a vision board and work on it every single day, step out of your comfort zone, do things that scare you (sidebar: this message is for you and I) achieving greatness Isn't easy but it's absolutely possible.
Continue to dream. Xx